I added this feature in 3.6.8-SNAPSHOT [1]. The documentation is here: [2].
As a summary, since this feature is costly, it has to be enabled with
probe.sh rpcs-enable-details (and disabled with rpcs-disable-details).
From now on, invocation times of synchronous (blocking) RPCs will be recorded (async RPCs will be ignored).
RPC stats can be dumped with probe.sh rpcs-details:
[belasmac] /Users/bela/JGroups$ probe.sh rpcs rpcs-details -- sending probe on / #1 (481 bytes): local_addr=C [ip=, version=3.6.8-SNAPSHOT, cluster=uperf, 4 mbr(s)] uperf: sync multicast RPCs=0 uperf: async unicast RPCs=0 uperf: async multicast RPCs=0 uperf: sync anycast RPCs=67480 uperf: async anycast RPCs=0 uperf: sync unicast RPCs=189064 rpcs-details= D: async: 0, sync: 130434, min/max/avg (ms): 0.13/924.88/2.613 A: async: 0, sync: 130243, min/max/avg (ms): 0.11/926.35/2.541 B: async: 0, sync: 63346, min/max/avg (ms): 0.14/73.94/2.221 #2 (547 bytes): local_addr=A [ip=, version=3.6.8-SNAPSHOT, cluster=uperf, 4 mbr(s)] uperf: sync multicast RPCs=5 uperf: async unicast RPCs=0 uperf: async multicast RPCs=0 uperf: sync anycast RPCs=67528 uperf: async anycast RPCs=0 uperf: sync unicast RPCs=189200 rpcs-details= <all>: async: 0, sync: 5, min/max/avg (ms): 2.11/9255.10/4917.072 C: async: 0, sync: 130387, min/max/avg (ms): 0.13/929.71/2.467 D: async: 0, sync: 63340, min/max/avg (ms): 0.13/63.74/2.469 B: async: 0, sync: 130529, min/max/avg (ms): 0.13/929.71/2.328 #3 (481 bytes): local_addr=B [ip=, version=3.6.8-SNAPSHOT, cluster=uperf, 4 mbr(s)] uperf: sync multicast RPCs=0 uperf: async unicast RPCs=0 uperf: async multicast RPCs=0 uperf: sync anycast RPCs=67255 uperf: async anycast RPCs=0 uperf: sync unicast RPCs=189494 rpcs-details= C: async: 0, sync: 130616, min/max/avg (ms): 0.13/863.93/2.494 A: async: 0, sync: 63210, min/max/avg (ms): 0.14/54.35/2.066 D: async: 0, sync: 130177, min/max/avg (ms): 0.13/863.93/2.569 #4 (482 bytes): local_addr=D [ip=, version=3.6.8-SNAPSHOT, cluster=uperf, 4 mbr(s)] uperf: sync multicast RPCs=0 uperf: async unicast RPCs=0 uperf: async multicast RPCs=0 uperf: sync anycast RPCs=67293 uperf: async anycast RPCs=0 uperf: sync unicast RPCs=189353 rpcs-details= C: async: 0, sync: 63172, min/max/avg (ms): 0.13/860.72/2.399 A: async: 0, sync: 130342, min/max/avg (ms): 0.13/862.22/2.338 B: async: 0, sync: 130424, min/max/avg (ms): 0.13/866.39/2.350
This shows the stats for each member in a given cluster, e.g. number of unicast, multicast and anycast RPCs, per target destination, plus min/max and average invocation times for sync RPCs per target as well.
Probe just become even more powerful! :-)
[1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JGRP-2005
[2] Documentation: http://www.jgroups.org/manual/index.html#_looking_at_details_of_rpcs_with_probe
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