Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Everything you always wanted to know about JGroups (but were afraid to ask): JGroups workshop in Berlin

I'm happy to announce a JGroups workshop in Berlin June 1-5 2015 !

This is your chance to learn everything you always wanted to know about JGroups... and more :-)

This is the second in a series of 4 workshops I'll teach this year; 2 in Europe and 2 in the US (NYC and Mountain View, more on the US workshops to be announced here soon).

Rome is unfortunately already sold out, but Berlin's a nice place, too...

The workshop is 5 days and attendees will learn the following [1]:
  • Monday: API [introductory]
  • Tuesday: Building blocks (RPCs, distributed locks, counters etc) [medium]
  • Wednesday/Thursday: advanced topics and protocols [advanced]
  • Friday: admin stuff [medium]
I've written some nice labs and I'm trying to make this as interactive and hands-on as possible. Be aware though that the workshop (especially the middle part) is not for the faint of heart and complete JGroups newbies are not going to benefit as much as people who've already used JGroups...

The price is 1'500 EUR (early bird: 1'000 EUR). This gets you a week of total immersion into JGroups and beers in the evening with me (not sure this is a good thing though :-))...

Registration [2] is now open (15 tickets only because I want to have a max of 20 attendees - 5 already registered). There's an early bird registration rate (500 EUR off) valid until April 10. Use code JGRP2015 to get the early bird.

The recommended hotel is nhow Berlin [3]. Workshop attendees will get a special rate; check here again in a few days (end of March the latest) on how to book a room at a discounted rate.

Hope to see some of you in Berlin in June !

[1] https://github.com/belaban/workshop/blob/master/slides/toc.adoc

[2] http://www.amiando.com/JGroupsWorkshopBerlin

[3] http://www.nh-hotels.de/hotel/nhow-berlin