This is your chance to learn everything you always wanted to know about JGroups... and more :-)
This is the second in a series of 4 workshops I'll teach this year; 2 in Europe and 2 in the US (NYC and Mountain View, more on the US workshops to be announced here soon).
Rome is unfortunately already sold out, but Berlin's a nice place, too...
The workshop is 5 days and attendees will learn the following [1]:
- Monday: API [introductory]
- Tuesday: Building blocks (RPCs, distributed locks, counters etc) [medium]
- Wednesday/Thursday: advanced topics and protocols [advanced]
- Friday: admin stuff [medium]
The price is 1'500 EUR (early bird: 1'000 EUR). This gets you a week of total immersion into JGroups and beers in the evening with me (not sure this is a good thing though :-))...
Registration [2] is now open (15 tickets only because I want to have a max of 20 attendees - 5 already registered). There's an early bird registration rate (500 EUR off) valid until April 10. Use code JGRP2015 to get the early bird.
The recommended hotel is nhow Berlin [3]. Workshop attendees will get a special rate; check here again in a few days (end of March the latest) on how to book a room at a discounted rate.
Hope to see some of you in Berlin in June !