The idea behind it is that it is inefficient to broadcast a message in clusters where IP multicasting is not available. For example, if we only have TCP available (as is the case in most clouds today), then we have to send a broadcast (or group) message N-1 times. If we want to broadcast M to a cluster of 10, we send the same message 9 times.
Example: if we have {A,B,C,D,E,F}, and A broadcasts M, then it sends it to B, then to C, then to D etc.
If we have a 1 GB switch, and M is 1GB, then sending a broadcast to 9 members takes 9 seconds, even if we parallelize the sending of M. This is due to the fact that the link to the switch only sustains 1GB / sec. (Note that I'm conveniently ignoring the fact that the switch will start dropping packets if it is overloaded, causing TCP to retransmit, slowing things down)...
Let's introduce the concept of a round. A round is the time it takes to send or receive a message. In the above example, a round takes 1 second if we send 1 GB messages.
In the existing N-1 approach, it takes X * (N-1) rounds to send X messages to a cluster of N nodes. So to broadcast 10 messages a the cluster of 10, it takes 90 rounds.
The idea is that, instead of sending a message to N-1 members, we only send it to our neighbor, which forwards it to its neighbor, and so on. For example, in {A,B,C,D,E}, D would broadcast a message by forwarding it to E, E forwards it to A, A to B, B to C and C to D. We use a time-to-live field, which gets decremented on every forward, and a message gets discarded when the time-to-live is 0.
The advantage is that, instead of taxing the link between a member and the switch to send N-1 messages, we distribute the traffic more evenly across the links between the nodes and the switch. Let's take a look at an example, where A broadcasts messages m1 and m2 in cluster {A,B,C,D}, '-->' means sending:
Traditional N-1 approach
Round 1: A(m1) --> B
Round 2: A(m1) --> C
Round 3: A(m1) --> D
Round 4: A{m2) --> B
Round 5: A(m2} --> C
Round 6: A(m2) --> D
It takes 6 rounds to broadcast m1 and m2 to the cluster.
Daisychaining approach
Round 1: A(m1) --> B
Round 2: A(m2) --> B || B(m1) --> C
Round 3: B(m2) --> C || C(m1) --> D
Round 4: C(m2) --> D
In round 1, A send m1 to B.
In round 2, A sends m2 to B, but B also forwards m1 (received in round 1) to C.
In round 3, A is done. B forwards m2 to C and C forwards m1 to D(in parallel, denoted by '||').
In round 4, C forwards m2 to D.
Switch usage
Let's take a look at this in terms of switch usage: in the N-1 approach, A can only send 125MB/sec, no matter how many members there are in the cluster, so it is constrained by the link capacity to the switch. (Note that A can also receive 125MB/sec in parallel with today's full duplex links).
So the link between A and the switch gets hot.
In the daisychaining approach, link usage is more even: if we look for example at round 2, A sending to B and B sending to C uses 2 different links, so there are no constraints regarding capacity of a link. The same goes for B sending to C and C sending to D.
In terms of rounds, the daisy chaining approach uses X + (N-2) rounds, so for a cluster size of 10 and broadcasting 10 messages, it requires only 18 rounds, compared to 90 for the N-1 approach !
I ran a quick performance test this morning, with 4 nodes connected to a 1 GB switch; and every node sending 1 million 8K messages, for a total of 32GB received by every node. The config used was tcp.xml.
The N-1 approach yielded a throughput of 73 MB/node/sec, and the daisy chaining approach 107MB/node/sec !
The change to switch from N-1 to daisy chaining was to place DAISYCHAIN
DAISYCHAIN is still largely experimental, but the numbers above show that it has potential to improve performance in TCP based clusters.